This therapeutic massage is customized to your specific needs. Your bodywork session will use light to deep pressure, along with a variety of techniques aimed at relieving stress and muscle tension due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. The goal is to reduce pain and increase circulation and flexibility.
Remember to increase water intake before and for several days after your session to aid in recovery and hydration of muscles.
Ultimate relaxation! Hot Stones will be added to your Signature Massage. The heated stones are used to provide a massage with therapeutic benefits that penetrate deep into the tissue for greater circulation of blood and lymph, deeper relaxation, and pain relief.
Not suitable for pregnant guests.
Cupping is ideal for those with chronic pain and who show limited range of motion. Silicone cups are used on the skin to create suction and may be left in place for several minutes to promote increased blood flow to the skin and help release muscle tension and inflammation and is a great myofacial release.
This session is for a specific area of tightness that needs extra focus or attention. Choose one area that is ailing you and the whole session will be focused on that specific area of tightness as well as surrounding tissue. Common Spot Treatment areas are neck, shoulders, feet, or low back/hips.
This 30 minute massage aims to ease and prevent tension headaches, with focused work on the neck, shoulders, sinuses and scalp.